Having trouble tapping in? Hand holding a cal 1 card with the side near the UC Berkeley seal on the card reader as if they were inserting it like a credit card Newly issued cards have a new way of tapping in. See which card version you have, and how to hold your card up to the reader. When and where do I use my Cal 1 Card? cal 1 card employee helping a uc berkeley student get their cal 1 card Just getting started at Berkeley? Learn about what your Cal 1 Card gets you access to and how to use it. New Employees uc berkeley staff chatting at a lunch table Are you a new staff member? Welcome! Learn how to get your Cal 1 Card, your Berkeley ID card. Need to make a deposit? You can deposit funds to your own account or someone else’s. Start here… wide shot of students sitting under trees in a grassy area on campus Where to Spend Cal 1 Card Funds From the Cal Student Store to University Health Services, here are campus services that accept Cal 1 Card funds. Lost, stolen, or damaged card? We’re here to help. Follow these steps to get a replacement card. Tapping inWhen and where...New EmployeesDepositWhere to spendNeed a card?

The Cal 1 Card is your passport to UC Berkeley: on-campus identification card, access to campus buildings and services, access to Berkeley Dining meal plans, access to the Berkeley shuttle, and a place to add funds to use at select locations.